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We help great products get in front of the right people

Get more sales, backers, and exposure by getting listed on our platform


Simple pricing plans for everyone and every budget.





    Save 20%

    • Product Limit 5
    • You can upload 5 product for this price
    • Permanent Listing
    • The listing will stay forever on our platform.
    • Brand Page
    • We’ll create your brand page that includes your brand description, logo, and feature all the products that are currently available on our platform.
    • Featured Product
    • We’ll showcase your product in our featured section, which is visible on our homepage.
    • Exclusive Product
    • We'll mark your product as 'Exclusive' and we'll also feature it under the 'Exclusive' section which is visible on our homepage.
    • Priority Support
    • Get priority customer support through chat or email
    Choose Plan





    Save 40%

    • Product Limit 150
    • You can upload up to 150 products
    • Permanent Listing
    • The listing will stay forever on our platform.
    • Brand Page
    • We’ll create your brand page that includes your brand description, logo, and feature all the products that are currently available on our platform.
    • Featured Product (2x)
    • We’ll showcase your product in our featured section, which is visible on our homepage.
    • Exclusive Product (2x)
    • We'll mark your product as 'Exclusive' and we'll also feature it under the 'Exclusive' section which is visible on our homepage.
    • Priority Support
    • Get priority customer support through chat or email
    Choose Plan

Frequently asked questions

What payment methods do you accept?

We support the following payment methods: PayPal, Credit and Debit card.

Can I change plans?

Yes, you can change your plan at any time. Upon switching plans, your current subscription will be cancelled immediately.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. You'll continue to have access to the features you've paid for until the end of your billing cycle.

What happens when my subscription expires?

Once your subscription expires, you'll lose access to all the subscription features.

Still have questions?

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